What is it and who’s crazy enough?
Hello, good morrow, and good salutations.
My name is Jacob and although I may not be as old as some of the vintage computers I’ve amassed over the years, I find enjoyment in keeping them going and sharing my passion with others. I’ve always been interested in these old machines.
This hobby has slowly grown on social media, and I recently rented some systems out for a music video recording, so that was a neat experience.
Ever since high school, or even before that, when I did a paper for English class on a subject we chose, I chose video game console history, I’ve always had an idea of having a central location where I can set up these electronic time capsules so that anyone can come in, enjoy, and learn more about where modern computing and gaming has come from on as original as I can keep the hardware. This idea has changed, but more toward the old home computers as I’ve been diving in to the vintage computer scene over the past few years.
Ranging anywhere from the 1970s all the way to the late 1990s and early 2000s, the idea is to have an computer room setup like old school computer class days and an actual small office room or 2 that has period-ish correct hardware to do actual office work like editing, saving, and printing documents or other stationary.
I hope you all find this as interesting and enjoyable as I do and hope to see you at some point when this little seed grows to what I want it to.
~Jacob B.
Tinkerer, lover of retro tech
Spending days searching for those rare US 8bit microcomputers and learning how to program in their BASIC programming language is just a hobby. That and making some pixel art on the side for fun.